About the Owners


Joelle Thomas-Usrey

Harnett County raised, graduating from Harnett Central High School in 2003, I went on to earn a Bachelor's of Science in Biochemistry from NC State University, Cum Laude. I worked in biomedical research for nearly 15 years, until I left my career in 2020 to answer my calling to be of service to others more spiritually.

I am a skilled intuitive, Reiki practitioner, Shamanic practitioner, and Archangelic Light practitioner. I offer intuitive counsel and energy healing in both remote and in-person sessions.

Ceshele Childres

Virgo. Creator. Lover of nature. Modern Mystic. Works with Earth energy; crystals, plants, herbs, botanicals, essential oils, tinctures, teas. Founder/Owner of Gem Fusion and Zenciety.
